National STEM Video Game Challenge!

Here is the link for you to enter your game. ENTER CHALLENGE HERE

You can enter any one of the games you have created in or out of class. Scratch, GameStar and any other game engine platform may be entered.

The link provided is linked to my teacher account you do not need to have an email address. If you need my help let me know.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Welcome to Milwee Middle School Gaming class!
My name is Mrs. Hesse
I will be your teacher this semester!
There are so many things you will learn this year!

Playing video games is fun and creating them is even more fun! But it requires planning on many levels.

What will you learn to do during this course?

1. You will brainstorm ideas for your video game through journals and sketches
2. You will develop your ideas using storyboards and scripts (drawing and writing)
3. You will execute your plan through introductory computer programming
4. You will present your finished original game to the class and sell it!

How will you achieve this?

1. You will collaborate with your classmate in brainstorming sessions to create scripts, characters, and environments.
2. You will use computer software such as Alice 2.0 and Simple Code Works to practice making 3-d and 2-d games. This will teach you the basic language and structure of computer programing using similified coding language.
4. You will create original projects based on what you learn in the exercises and tutorials

There will be a quiz each Friday on the material covered in class that week. These quizzes will include vocabulary words and concepts that you have learned.

Let's get started and have some FUN!

Today: August 16, 2011
Bell work:
Create a cartoon character on index card.  Draw face and body Adding as many details as possible.  Also include a background. Use pencil only

Class work:
1. Go over Milwee powerpoint presentation
2. Go over class Procedures, Expectations, Grading and Supply list(hand out supply list)