National STEM Video Game Challenge!

Here is the link for you to enter your game. ENTER CHALLENGE HERE

You can enter any one of the games you have created in or out of class. Scratch, GameStar and any other game engine platform may be entered.

The link provided is linked to my teacher account you do not need to have an email address. If you need my help let me know.

Good Luck!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pong remake

Open the pong game you were making yesterday.  Remember: You saved it on your U drive(personal folder)
Do not add anything on your own.  Just look over the code that we started together and check that it matches what is on the whiteboard.

Question: what does this code mean: (point in direction 180-direction)

We will review the pong game we made in Scratch.
You will keep this window of Scratch open and open a new Scratch file.  You will view the two windows side by side. 
You will make a new and improved version of Scratch
  1. You will change all four sprites (ball, paddle, dead_space, and lose_screen)
  2. You will also add a background that you will create in the paint editor(no importing images)
  3. You will copy the script from the original Pong game
  4. Once you copy the script exactly you may modify it and add to it to fit your game.
  5. You will turn in the two versions of Scratch for a grade

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