National STEM Video Game Challenge!

Here is the link for you to enter your game. ENTER CHALLENGE HERE

You can enter any one of the games you have created in or out of class. Scratch, GameStar and any other game engine platform may be entered.

The link provided is linked to my teacher account you do not need to have an email address. If you need my help let me know.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Think like a video game designer

When you make a video game or program anything on the computer, you must state every detail.  If you don't tell the computer what to do it won't do it.  You must think of every little twist and turn.  It is important to remember the order you want things done in, as well.

You are programming a robot to use a tube of tooth paste.  He must put the toothpaste on a toothbrush.
Write a list of instructions that will program your robot to do this.
Remember your robot does only what you instruct him to do.

We will continue episodes 1 and 2 on Gamestar Mechanic
If you finish episodes 1 and 2 continue on to 3 and 4

We will discuss elements of the game in tomorrow's lesson.

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